Gallery : Before & Afters

Before and after comparison of a woman's facial cosmetic treatment, highlighting visible improvements in skin texture and reduction of fine lines. each image features the same woman with varying skin clarity.
Before and after comparison of a woman's facial cosmetic treatment, highlighting visible improvements in skin texture and reduction of fine lines. each image features the same woman with varying skin clarity.
Before and after comparison of a woman's facial cosmetic treatment, highlighting visible improvements in skin texture and reduction of fine lines. each image features the same woman with varying skin clarity.
Before and after comparison of a woman's facial cosmetic treatment, highlighting visible improvements in skin texture and reduction of fine lines. each image features the same woman with varying skin clarity.
Before and after comparison of a woman's facial cosmetic treatment, highlighting visible improvements in skin texture and reduction of fine lines. each image features the same woman with varying skin clarity.
Before and after comparison of a woman's facial cosmetic treatment, highlighting visible improvements in skin texture and reduction of fine lines. each image features the same woman with varying skin clarity.

Patients were consistently treated with a combination of anti-wrinkle
injections and dermal fillers. Consistency in skin treatments provides better
and more long-term anti-ageing results. The “after” images for these patients
were taken at least two years after their first treatment at Kaya Cosmedica.


Request a consultation at Kaya Cosmedica today

To learn more about the anti-ageing treatments available in South Melbourne, contact Kaya Cosmedica today. You can reach us by filling out the contact form on our website, or simply schedule your appointment online by clicking the “Book Now” button blow.