Differences between Dry Skin and Dehydrated Skin.

Differences between dry skin and dehydrated skin.

What are the differences between dry skin and dehydrated skin? At first glance they may seem identical, but they are fundamentally different conditions that require distinct approaches to treatment. Let’s delve into the nuances that set them apart and explore the best ways to address each concern. Dry Skin: Lacking Oil Dry skin is characterised […]

Which Acne Treatment Is the Best?

Close-up of a person's face focusing on the nose and cheeks, overlaid with a digital constellation pattern and the text "kaya cosmedica." The skin texture is visible and detailed, highlighting

Struggling with acne and tired of ineffective over-the-counter remedies? At Kaya Cosmedica, we provide personalised acne treatment to fit your skin type, lifestyle, and previous treatments. From products to professional treatments, our options can help you achieve the clear, healthy skin you’ve always wanted. Book a consultation now to learn more.

Your Recipe For Great Skin

A display of various skincare products with a prominent advertisement featuring a close-up portrait of a woman's face and the caption "your clean science" in a modern, sleek setting.

Achieve Radiant Skin with Our Recipe for Great Skin. Healthy skin involves a holistic approach that nourishes both the inside and outside. Proper diet, exercise, and good sleep also contribute to a youthful complexion. Together with high-quality skincare products and advanced skin treatments, this approach transforms skin from within.

How to Pick the Right Skin Care Gifts this Christmas

Three dark amber Synergie Skin glass bottles with droppers, labeled with white text, are arranged neatly on a light surface under natural sunlight, casting soft shadows.

Looking for the perfect holiday gift? Give the gift of healthy skin with Synergie Skin’s quality skincare products. Synergie Skin offers natural and ethical solutions for anti-aging, hydration, and protection against pollutants and UV rays. Get a personalized skincare consultation at Kaya Cosmedica and give the gift of beauty.