Gallery : Bio-Stimulator Treatments

Before and after side-by-side portraits of a middle-aged woman showcasing skincare enhancements, including collagen production, with clearer skin and reduced wrinkles in the after photo. Both images are set against a grey background.

Area treated: Face & Neck

Before and after comparison images of a neck treatment from kaya cosmedica, demonstrating significant skin rejuvenation and reduction in wrinkles and skin folds.

Area treated: Neck

Side-by-side images comparing the dorsal view of a person’s left hand. Both images, set against a dark background, show the same hand with subtle differences in skin texture and tone due to collagen production

Area treated: Hands

Area treated: Neck

Before and after comparison of a hand treatment, showing reduced wrinkles and spots. The "kaya cosmedica" watermark is visible on both images, highlighting the effectiveness of collagen production.

Area treated: Hands


Request a consultation at Kaya Cosmedica today

Request a consultation at Kaya Cosmedica today. As part of the Kaya Cosmedica Method, all patients must have an initial consultation before booking treatments. During your consultation, Dr. PK or one of her experienced practitioners will review your facial structure, age, ethnicity, and primary concerns before recommending the best course of treatment. You will be provided with detailed information regarding all available treatment options to allow you to make an informed decision about your treatment plan. Various treatment options will be discussed, as well as at-home skin care, nutrition and other lifestyle factors that might help you meet your goals.