Hair Loss Treatment

A healthcare professional in blue gloves administers a hair restoration injection to a patient's forehead, using a syringe. The patient is lying down and has their eyes closed.

Androgenetic hair loss is often referred to as male or female pattern baldness. It is a common type of hair loss caused due to genetic and hormonal factors. It is characterised by progressive hair thinning and balding. At Kaya Cosmedica, we can assist to improve the symptoms of androgenetic hair loss utilising treatments such as compounded or prescribed medications, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and LED with the aim of stimulating hair growth, improve hair density and enhancing overall hair health.


Up to 30 mins



Average 6-12 months with treatment protocol


Androgenetic hair loss – male and female


For some treatments

What Is Androgenetic Hair Loss?

Androgenetic hair loss, also known as male or female pattern hair loss, is a genetic condition. It is the most common type of hair loss and usually follows a predictable pattern. 

In men, androgenetic hair loss typically begins with a receding hairline and thinning at the crown of the head, eventually leading to partial or complete baldness. Women are likelier to experience a widening part and noticeable thinning but rarely develop complete baldness.

Androgenetic hair loss is partly caused by the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is derived from testosterone. In individuals with a genetic predisposition, DHT can bind to hair follicles, causing them to shrink over time. As a result, the affected follicles produce thinner, shorter and less pigmented hair until they eventually cease to produce hair altogether.

While androgenetic hair loss can be distressing, treatment options are available to slow the progression of hair loss, promote hair regrowth and improve overall hair density and quality.

Aesthetic professional wearing blue gloves uses a microneedling device on a client's forehead during a hair loss treatment. The tool appears to dispense a yellowish serum.

Hair Loss Treatments at Kaya Cosmedica

Androgenetic hair loss (also known as male or female pattern baldness) is a common type of hair loss influenced by genetics and hormonal factors.  At Kaya Cosmedica we take a thorough approach, starting with a consultation to take a detailed medical history to identify any contributing factors.  A scalp examination helps to assess the pattern and extent of hair loss.  We may refer you to undertake blood tests to check for underlying conditions that could contribute to hair loss such as thyroid dysfunction, iron deficiency and PCOS.  Treatments options, including lifestyle modifications will be customised and options are listed below.

A female scientist in a lab coat examines a test tube containing a yellow substance, possibly skinboosters, with her focus concentrated on the tube, while slightly blurred in the background.
Treatment options for hair loss at Kaya Cosmedica

Explore Your Hair Loss Treatment Options At Kaya Cosmedica

At Kaya Cosmedica in South Melbourne, we believe in empowering our clients with knowledge and choices. Our dedicated team will take the time to understand your concerns, provide honest assessments and guide you through the available treatment options.

For more information on the hair restoration process, book a consultation today.